Cutting out the middleman: how to fund Val Trebbia with Kickstarter

By now everybody should be quite clear about the many possibilities the Internet can offer for the development of  local communities.

In case some of you are still skeptical, here comes a further example of how ordinary people are making a difference all over the world, day after day, step by step, through small grass roots projects. Continue reading

Foto trekking in Val Trebbia

What does Val Trebbia look like seen through the eyes of an “outsider”? Photographer Enrico Pelos walked the ancient routes of Val Trebbia and documented its different landscapes in his foto-trekking publications Paesaggio Fotografico di Liguria, Passeggiate a Levante e in the guidebook Alta Via dei Monti Liguri.  Continue reading

It took an elephant…

Surus: il monte/elefante che Paolo Guglielmetti ricollega alla battaglia del Trebbia

It is ironic that the promotion of the valley should be carried out by an elephant. Surus, the elephant of the Trebbia, created by the skillful touch of photographer Paolo Guglielmetti , unwitingly became the promoter of Val Trebbia. It is ironic that a fantasy creation now represents the need of the valley to open up to the rest of the world but at the same time this is also a spot-on metaphor for Val Trebbia itself: a sleeping beauty waiting to be rediscovered, an enchanted creature forgotten by time that now can come back to life thanks to the imagination and the initiative of the inhabitants of the valley where it rests. We asked Paolo Guglielmetti to tell us more about the back-stage of the pictures he took and that portray Surus as well as the comics/newspaper which carries its name and of his personal link to Val Trebbia. Continue reading